
Physiotherapy and Osteopathy!

24 May 2013
Physiotherapy and Osteopathy
Physiotherapy is the health branch that by physical agents such as movement, water, cold, heat, or one's own hands, treats and prevents diseases, thus the patient to return to do their job, sport or activity daily life.

The word Physiotherapy comes from the union of the Greek words: physis, meaning Nature and therapeia, meaning treatment. Therefore, from an etymological point of view, Physiotherapy or physis-therapeia means "Treatment by Nature" or even "Treatment by Physical Agents". The World Health Organization (WHO) in 1958 defines physiotherapy as: "The art and science of treatment through therapeutic exercise, heat, cold, light, water, massage and electricity. Moreover, physiotherapy includes the execution Electric and manual testing to determine the value of involvement and muscle strength tests to determine functional capabilities, range of joint motion and vital capacity measurements and diagnostic aids to control evolution."

The rehabilitation however, is the   process of restoring the ability to live and work as normally as possible after a disabling injury or illness. He tries to help the patient get the maximum possible in their physical and psychological form, and regain the ability to take care of himself. Give learning or relearning the skills needed for daily activities. Rehabilitation is an integral part of convalescence. Adequate food, hygiene and proper exercises provide the physical basis for recovery.

Within physiotherapy, we highlight the following techniques in which we specialize:

  • Manual lymphatic drainage is to do get healthy lymphatic territories excess liquid accumulated in areas of edema through manipulation or massage.
  • Manual Therapy  is the application of hands for healing the body, the tool you obviously are the hands of the therapist that is able to detect functional abnormalities that cause pain, decreased mobility, loss of function, etc.. and after that apply the appropriate techniques designed to overcome these shortcomings.
  • Myofascial pain Technical  intend with this method restore elasticity of the fascia, restoring normal muscle length, eliminate muscle pain and restore motion and myofascial activity normally.

Osteopathy identified by a manual examination mobility dysfunctions in the joints and tissues, to detect the onset of disease or mitigate its effects and try to return the person its overall balance. Analyze the situation of the patient at all levels: structural, visceral, cranial and emotional, to get a lasting positive result.

What problems can osteopathy treat?
  • Joint pain, muscular neck, waist, back
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Digestive problems such as hiatal hernias, chronic constipation, ulcers
  • Headaches, migraines, tinnitus, torticollis.
  • Dizziness and vertigo (benign paroxysmal vertigo, Meniere vertigo)
  • Jaw joint problems
  • Sports injuries (sprains, dislocations, muscle tears)
  • Dolores post surgical
  • Problems of regurgitation in infants
  • Behavior problems in children (hyperactive)
  • Pregnancy pains
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Sciatica, herniated discs.
  • Cervicobraquialgias, cervical pain, neuralgia.
  • Lordosis, scoliosis, kyphosis involving pain.
  • Injuries.
  • Postural alterations.
  • Respiratory and vascular disorders.
  • Occlusion problems.
  • Insomnia.

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