
Physiotherapy Information!

24 May 2013
Physiotherapy Information
What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a health discipline that offers a non-pharmacological therapeutic alternative in many cases, helps to alleviate the symptoms of many ailments, both acute and chronic.
Physiotherapy is often associated with physical therapists or massage, but his arsenal of therapeutic techniques is much wider.

Who is the therapist?

The Physiotherapist is a health professional trained university. their skills are reflected in the Law on Health Professions. Titration is flaunted Diploma in Physiotherapy (3 years). Under the new rules, to adapt to the European, will be the Degree in Physiotherapy (4 years).

As a college graduate their training is guaranteed by an Official, the guarantees of content and hours of practice that entails mandatory (about 2,300 hours of training at present that will become more of 4000 with the new Degree in Physiotherapy) .

Following his studies, his training is enriched with ongoing training in the techniques and newer methods provided under the endorsement that provides belonging to the scientific community.
The therapist can offer multiple solutions to their health problems, guaranteeing their safety, reliability and efficiency.

Social utility of physiotherapy

Physical therapy and, in particular, the physiotherapist, health agent, working for the prevention, treatment and palliation of musculoskeletal and postural problems.

The physiotherapist carries out its work in four main areas:

Assistance: the work is to promote, prevent, cure and alleviate the health of patients using the range of knowledge in their training.

Teacher: Your job is to educate and promote awareness of physiotherapy in the public and private colleges as well as training proposals called for continuing education for physical therapist.
Investigator: Your job is to find scientific evidence of the modes of action of physiotherapy, offering the patient, therefore, those actions with greater guarantees of success, proven scientifically valid studies of the scientific community.
Management and Direction: carry out his work in the direction of centers, educational or professional associations.

What is it and does a physiotherapist?

Based on the current concept of Health, physiotherapists act on three levels: primary (prevention, education and empowerment), secondary (healing process) and tertiary (treatment of functional recovery in diseases and processes already in place and chronic). So it will be live in:
Colleges of integration (enabling children with different disabilities to access education. Adaptation of the academic curriculum to real needs and capacities of the child).
Special schools (children and young people with a level of capacity that require specific institutions).
Clubs, schools and sports clubs (improves performance by sporting gesture correction and immediate recovery of the lesions).

Health Centers (work Health education, promotion of self-care, childbirth preparation, treatment and monitoring of certain minor and chronic processes).

General hospitals (units within the service Physiotherapy Rehabilitation also includes Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Orthopedics, Psychology, ...).
Hospitals and specialist services (paraplegics, burns, major neurological syndromes, transplantation, respiratory, cardiac ...).

Psychiatric Hospitals.

Residences for the Elderly (preventive and therapeutic efforts that seek to improve the quality of life in older people).

Private Cabinets (with the traditional and innovative aspects as animal physical therapy, reeducation Urogynaecological ...).

Mutual labor and private insurers.

Partnerships and SHGs.

Day Centre’s (social service facilities nonresidential seeking the improved bio-psycho-old physicist without him away from their usual environment ...).
Learning centers (health branches Training, Physiotherapy Colleges ...).

Health Spa.

Companies (the physiotherapist consultant in ergonomics to minimize occupational hazards).
Animal Physiotherapy Centers (racetracks, zoos, veterinarians ...).
Management and administrative positions.

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